Our offer is aimed at all those who have or are planning to connect together several power generation sources, consumer and storage units - that's exactly what MICROGRID is. These hybrid energy solutions are the future and managing them is the ultimate challenge today. We protect the environment by effectively managing multiple sources and consumers. Together we will reduce the production of energy, especially that harmful one!
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This is where it all starts - the ANCOMI system or technical and economic analyses, as a result of which we can develop for you a design concept for a MICROGRID. It is always better to spend enough time and resources on a good analysis and concept to save many times more later on the construction and operation of the system.
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Do you want to make your building use less energy? Or maybe it should make better use of the energy you produce? The solution for you is an energy audit and, as a result of its effects, performing optimization. Professionally performed optimization guarantees high savings for you and the environment. We optimize any type of commercial investment.
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