Our offer also includes heat pumps, which are among the most popular and efficient heat sources today. Such pumps will perfectly heat company buildings, industrial halls, public buildings, shopping malls, etc. The great advantage of a heat pump is also that it provides heat in the winter, while in the summer it can work as air conditioning, cooling rooms.
We offer both ground and air heat pumps. The former work perfectly in a climate typical of Poland. Despite the need for earthworks, it is a cost-effective source of heat, extremely efficient and economical to use. Energy is extracted from the depths of the earth and is converted into thermal energy.
Where it is not possible to install a ground model, we suggest getting an air source heat pump. This time the energy is extracted from the air and powers the heating system of the building or hall. Heat pumps can work with photovoltaics.
We offer high-end heat pumps, which were manufactured by the best companies. Our models are characterized by high efficiency and durability. They are convenient, maintenance-free heat sources.
All our devices, can be integrated into the MICROGRIDS (in the hybrid energy system) configured from the devices we offer, according to specific client needs.
We recommend conducting an energy and economic analysis and audit, in order to fine-tune the heat and cooling pump and other devices included in your MICROGRID.
Learn more about our range of heat and cooling pumps today!